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The template automatically downloads all the app assets from the iTunes app store and creates a one page website. Basic setup only requires you to provide your iTunes app ID but you can also add your android package app id, Amazon app ASIN number, country code(s), email address and an alternative app name to the configuration file. The template automatically checks for updated iTunes info every 3 days. If your app is localized for several countries you can add all the country codes to the configuration file and links to the other language info will be generated. Please note that only the iTunes content will change to the language but not any of the other template text.
An iTunes app ID is required to use this template!
Each purchased template can only be used for one publication on one server only. If you need to use the template for several apps, you will have to purchase that template for each app website separately. You are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the template on a single domain for a single app. You MAY NOT sell or distribute the template or any of the files associated with it. You MAY NOT use anything in this template to make another template.
1. Basic hosting service
2. Server running PHP Version 5 or higher (lower version may not work)
NOTES: Ability to create the images folder with write permissions (chmod 0755) if the script can not. You must have either file_get_contents() or curl_exec() enabled on your web server which are default on a typical hosting service.